The Clemstead

A place heavy with history and screaming for new thoughts.

Bullfighting a Fly

It's either read my college material for the discussion questions this week or... bullfight a fly using my computer cursor. Since the material is Psychology the fly won out. (as if the race was even close)

You would think that the fly wouldn't care or even see the cursor yet this one would lounge and follow the cursor around the screen. The color of the background on the screen didn't matter white, black, or even pink and the fly would follow.

Now understand it's about 85 degrees in this room. It could be that the heat and humidity is ticking this guy off.

Hum... note to self next IT project create a bullfighting icon and intiate it the next time another fly visits. Video tape it and put it to music and I'll have a new youtube hit!

Yes, you guessed it... the material is really boring, but alas time to hit the books.


About Me

My photo
I come from German (Mennonite/Brethren) stock with bits of Norse, Celtic, Native American, and some mysterious unknown combination from an adopted grandparent. Not an uncommon blend for most of us who settled early in Pennsylvania. This type of diverse heritage left me ripe for the genealogical bug. I make a pilgrimage once a month and attempt to trace all the branches of my family tree. Unearthing facts that were never documented previously always brings excitement.

Nakoah is following...

Picture of the Month

Picture of the Month
Harvest Time


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